Paris P2P is a monthly meetup organized by and for the community passionate about all things P2P
These meetups are free, informal afterworks, meant to encourage meetings and exchanges between developers, passionate and curious people, around a drink or open discussions.
We organize this meetings to discuss ‘peer-to-peer’ (P2P), decentralized systems, autonomous networks and communities, distrbuted and decentralized systems, offline-first apps, network, privacy, anti-surveillance, anti-censorship, security, cryptography, blockchains.
P2P Paris is an opportunity to exchange the latest news and share ideas in Paris.
Each member can propose a discussion topic and introduce his projects to the community. Paris P2P is an open, decentralized and non-profit oprganization.
Two events kinds :
Monthly Paris P2P : first Wednesday of each month
Paris P2P “Special issue”