Dr Sonia Ben Mokhtar



January 9, 2020
20h30 - 21h00
Ground Control
Dr Sonia Ben Mokhtar - CNRS, LIRIS-DRIM
Building privacy-preserving online services: application to Web search and video streaming systemse
Online services (e.g. search engines, location-based services, video on demand, recommendation engines) require a massive amount of personal data harvested from their users. These data, such as location coordinates or search request history, can reveal highly sensitive user information such as political, religious, or sexual preferences. I will describe the risks stemming from the use of online services with respect to personal data and I will introduce a prospective approach for personal data protection based on decentralization and the use of hardened CPUs (e.g. Intel SGX). I will focus on two specific applications: Web requests and VOD systems.