January 12, 2020
15H00 - 16H30
Ground Control
Alexandre Doussot
Introduction to Michelson and to higher level language Ligo, used in an example of a voting app, that we will study together. Bring your laptop with Linux or OSX, Docker and Python 3. Useful links: https://ligolang.org/ https://gitlab.com/kinokasai/proposals-vote/blob/abate-cleanup/src/contracts/mono_vote.ligo https://gitlab.com/kinokasai/proposals-vote <a href="https://www.meetup.com/France-P2P/events/267636902/" class="btn btn-meetup" target="_blank"><i class="fab fa-meetup"></i>SIGN UP<i class="far fa-chevron-right"></i></a>
Nomadic Labs